Could you benefit from some Reiki Distance Healing?
How about your family, loved ones or pets?
Could past or future events be helped?
In under 24 hours, International Reiki Master
Rob Fellows can direct wonderful Reiki healing energies to ANY of your needs ...
Introducing Reiki Distance Healing Sessions with
International Reiki Master Rob Fellows
What is Reiki ...
Reiki, pronounced ‘ray key‘, is made up of two Japanese words meaning Universal Life Energy.
Reiki is a natural, safe and simple healing method, which allows anyone to absorb more valuable life force energy so as to facilitate the receiver to ‘self-heal’.
Reiki compliments and can work alongside all traditional types of medical and veterinary* treatments and other therapies – Reiki is none addictive, none invasive and safe.
As a Reiki Master I can literally send wonderful healing properties by directing Reiki to anyone or anything, anywhere in the world at any time.
Reiki Distance Healing is also known as Distant, Remote or Absent Reiki Healing. Whenever you see these terms they mean the exact same thing.
It does not matter that I have never met the receiver .... it is not a requirement.
Distance really is no object ... so the receiver can be ANYWHERE in the world.
My Distance Reiki Experience
Reiki Distance Healing for more than 20 years ....
For over 20 years every day I’ve been sending Reiki healing to clients from all over the world including:
England, Scotland, Wales, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, India, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Switzerland, Greece, Lithuania, Ireland, Jamaica, Czech Republic, Portugal, Romania, Netherlands, Sweden, Guernsey, Saudi Arabia …. and many many other countries too.
I’ve sent Reiki to people … or their pets …. or to help with difficult situations in their lives ….. and for a wide variety of health conditions and other reasons ….
…. including for stress, pain relief from many different health conditions, sleep disorders, a court appearance, a long journey, moving home, relationship difficulties, getting a job, depression, addictions…. and for many many other problems as well.
I can send Reiki to you, to your friends and family, to your pets, to your business, your neighbourhood and to help with events, past and future … the list is endless and is only limited by your imagination.
Using the Reiki symbols and mantras I am able to send Reiki to another room, another City, another Country or even to another Planet!
A distant Reiki session is quicker and as strong as a ‘hands on’ Reiki treatment …. and it is possible that the effects can even be felt straightaway. Reiki could help you heal physically, emotionally and spiritually all at the same time. Reiki has its own special way of finding where the receiver will gain most benefit.
By using Reiki in this way any number of people, animals or events can simultaneously receive the self-healing benefits of Reiki.
I act as a channel, a conduit of the energy and so you are not drawing on my own energy. It is like me tapping into the life force energy that is all around us , which I then direct to the receiver.
My Reiki Distance Healing sessions are very reasonably priced and can be booked for just one session, a number of sessions or even on an ongoing basis.
I can help you and your family too

Who can benefit from Reiki Distance Healing?
Reiki Distance Healing sessions can be booked for anyone or anything ...
Yourself, Your loved ones and Friends
Reiki Distance Healing sessions can be booked for yourself, your partner, your family, loved ones, colleagues or friends. Adults and children can benefit.
You can book Reiki Distance Healing sessions for anyone you know and even for people you don’t know or have never met! You can book sessions for any type of physical or emotional health condition or other difficulties in their life.

Pets and Animals
You know how much unconditional love your pets give you – this is your opportunity to do something wonderful for them.
I can send the wonderful Reiki energies to any animal, anywhere across the world. With Reiki Distance Healing your pet can receive the benefits of Reiki without stopping what they are doing and you have no need to take them anywhere.
Reiki is a bit like having a good friend who is there for their comfort. Animals respond very well to Reiki Distance Healing – they seem to sense that humans are helping them. Your pet is highly likely to be the same.
Many animals like dogs, cats and horses suffer from similar illnesses to humans and therefore dogs, cats, horses and other animals can benefit from Reiki in a very similar way to humans.
Reiki Distance Healing is suitable for domestic pets and professionally bred animals. Reiki Distance Healing for Pets could help your animal whether it is a beloved pet companion or if you work with animals and you are a professional breeder, show jumper or farmer.

Your Home, Work, Business or any Events
You can book Distance Reiki sessions to help your business or work or to help erase difficult times in your life. Reiki can be sent to help with events, both past and present for example a forthcoming exam, or job interview … or help heal difficult times such as a bereavement or divorce.
Reiki Distance Healing could help in so many other ways, perhaps to create a harmony in your home or workplace. You could book me to send Reiki to your place of work or to the success of your business. Reiki could help your company to win a particular contract.
... the uses for Reiki Distance Healing is only limited by your imagination

No matter where in the world you live, you and your loved ones can benefit when you decide to book some Reiki Distance Healing ...
Distance Reiki could help you or someone you love with:
• Stress at work
• A divorce or separation
• A bereavement or loss
• Post operative discomfort
• Continual tiredness
• Anxiety
• Sleep disorders
• Emotional problems
• Lack of energy
• Depression
• Post natal depression
• Menopause
• Seasonal Affected Disorder
• Feelings of anger, fear, greed, hatred and all negative thoughts
... and help to bring about improved feelings of wellness

Some Reiki Distance Healing sessions could help lessen pain caused by ...
Some Reiki Distance Healing sessions could help lessen pain caused by ...
• Trapped nerves
• Sciatica
• Arthritis
• Cancer
• Damaged tendons
• Migraine and headaches
• Sinusitus
• Backache
• Stomach disorders
• Sore throats
• Sports injuries
• Painful joints
• Broken bones .. these should be set before having Reiki
• Post operative recovery

What Reiki Distance Healing packages are available?
Booking Reiki Distance Healing sessions is really easy and flexible giving you the option to have regular daily sessions for yourself and any number of your friends, family, pets, your home, your business and events affecting your life
You have two packages to choose from ..... take a look below!

Package One

Package Two
Package One
Package One .... A week of Reiki
Receive a Reiki Distance Healing session everyday for 7 days
You can book sessions for people, animals or any future or past events, see above for some suggestions.
You are able to book for just one person/animal/ event ... or for several ... AND the more you book for the cheaper each equivalent session becomes ...
Recipients can be anywhere in the world and can be at different locations from each other. They do not have to be at the same address, or even in the same country.
I send Reiki 365 days per year, usually in the morning UK time .. so it doesn't matter which day of the week you start your sessions.
The first of the sessions will be included the very next time I send Reiki after you have booked.
Let's look at an example:
Say you live in New York. You might choose Reiki for yourself and your dog living at the same address (that's two recipients)... and also sessions for your son living in Toronto and your daughter living in London (that's two more recipients, making 4 recipients in total )
You have four options to choose from:
7 consecutive daily sessions for each person/animal/event are priced as follows:
Recipient numbers:
1 = $50 the equivalent of $7.14 per session
2 = $90 the equivalent of $6.43 per session
4 = $160 the equivalent of $5.71 per session
5 + $199 choose 5 recipients and the equivalent price per session falls to only $5.69 ... however, with this selection you have the option to select ANY number of recipients.
So, lets say you want a week of Reiki for any combination of 10 people/animals/events .... the price is still only $199 ... now the equivalent price of the total of 70 sessions plummets to just $2.84.
Imagine you select 20 recipients instead .... same price for the week of Reiki ... all for a mere $1.42 for each session.
I'm sure you get the picture!
Book Reiki Distance Sessions
Package Two
Package Two .... no missing a single day of Reiki Distance Healing
To make sure you NEVER miss a Reiki Distance Healing session ... EVER ...this is the package for you, and your loved ones ....
... EVERYDAY you receive a session for each recipient you book for on a recurring monthly basis ... for your complete peace of mind
In the same way as the Week of Reiki package, you can book sessions for people, animals or any future or past events, see above for some suggestions.
You are able to book for just one person/animal/event, or for several.
Recipients can be anywhere in the world and can be at different locations from each other. They do not have to be at the same address, or even in the same country.
I send Reiki 365 days per year, usually in the morning UK time .. so it doesn't matter which day of the month you start your sessions.
The first of the sessions will be included the very next time I send Reiki after you have booked.
So, in many ways this is the same ... however there is a massive difference in that your sessions will be take place EVERY DAY for a MONTH, as opposed to 7 days, and will continue for as long as you maintain your monthly subscription, which of course you are free to cancel before your next monthly subscription starts.
It will be like you, and your loved ones, have me at your side at all times.
You are going to love the prices for the Recurring Monthly Package
Choose from these four options:
One month of consecutive daily sessions for each person/animal/event are priced as follows:
Recipient numbers:
1 = $99 the equivalent of $3.30 per session *
2 = $179 the equivalent of $2.98 per session *
4 = $319 the equivalent of $2.65 per session *
5 + $379 choose 5 recipients and the equivalent price per session falls to only $2.52 * ... however, with this selection you have the option to select ANY number of recipients.
So, lets say you want a month of Reiki for any combination of 10 people/animals/events .... the price is still only $379 ... now the equivalent price of each of the 300 sessions plummets to just $1.26 *.
Imagine if you were to select 20 recipients instead .... same price for the month of Reiki @ $379 ... all for an equivalent of a mere $0.63 for each session *
* based on a 30-day month
I'm sure you'll agree this is absolutely incredible value!
Book Reiki Distance Sessions
Read what some of my other clients have to say ...
J M, Geneva, Switzerland
" Gradually starting by 9 o'clock I feel better and better and by 9.30 - 10 a.m. I start feeling more energetic.
I believe it coincides with your daily Reiki sessions. "
Nazek, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
"I have subscribed for another family session with my same intentions..
I know it is too early to book yet but I don't want to miss a single day of healing ...!!"
Danny, Australia
" I could feel the energy and assumed you were on the case. Years ago if someone told me that this could be done I would not have believed them. It makes me feel humble to be part of this incredible universe. I continue to grow my awareness on life’s journey. "
Arwen, Netherlands
" The biggest problem is that eating irritates the stomach lining, and I always hope it regenerates in time for the next meal.
Most of the time it does, and I think this is due to the healing sessions. "
Sarah, Essex , England ... and Sonny the cat
Hi Rob,
I have no doubt that the reiki is responsible for Sonny's rapid recovery – past experience has shown me that!
Let's hope no more dramas, but you are pretty much my first port of call is something arises.
Best wishes and a furry cuddle from Sonny
Christi, New Jersey, USA
" My nephew was due in court for a number of driving offences and his solicitor had warned him to expect to go to jail.
I asked Rob to send Reiki to the court before and during the date and time of the trial.
Much to everyone’s relief the Reiki worked and rather than send him to jail the judge fined him instead.
Thank you, thank you from all the family.
God bless you Rob for your healing energy ”
Nicola, Calgary, Canada
Thank you. I am already feeling more energy pulsing through my hands. Perhaps the fact that I am still cleaning my house at 1:00 am my time is an indication that I am feeling a little more energetic I will definitely try and be more mindful of how I am feeling over the next few days. Thank you for your help.
I just wanted to thank you again. I have noticed a continued increase in my energy and productivity since my distance Reiki treatment.
I have also had a reduction in my neck pain (I have a chronic condition that I am treating through chiropractic care) which is really interesting as I did not mention it to you when I requested treatment.
Clearly Reiki energy does go where it is needed."
J.H, Surrey, England
” Thank you so much for the reiki you have been channelling all week for my dog PJ and myself. It was gratefully received and made a huge difference.
PJ’s symptoms improved immediately and she has been able to jump up on the bed by herself, playing ball much more, which she absolutely loves, without any limping whatsoever. This has been the first week we’ve been walking where I haven’t had to give her a dose of Metacam afterward. The change has been extraordinary.
For me, I have noticed a shift in energy. I was afforded enough energy to finish the house I have been renovating for sale and put it on the market this weekend.
Once again, thank you. You truly have a gift which we all benefit from, so thank the world that you are in it. ”
Mark’s story …. help with his health and finances
I have known Rob for over 12 years, and like most people in life you invest in a friendship as much or as little as you wish. People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. And Rob is going to be my friend for a lifetime. Why? Well I guess because he’s such a good and worthy person, whose first question is always “How are you?” And his nature is to be concerned about your wellbeing and happiness, without this in life as his goal he feels his day is unfulfilled. Rob is one of those people who discovered the key many years ago, and that key is Reiki, the unseen power, a bit like electricity we cannot see it, taste it or play with it, but it can transform your life. He knows how to harness its power, to share and channel it to you regardless of where you live, what country you are in, and it does not conflict with your faith, or religion or beliefs.
How do I know? Well here is my story.
My name is Mark, and like most people I reached a crunch point in my life. No one wants to lose their job, hit financial worries, suffer with illnesses, or have relationship and family woes. But all of this has happened to me quite recently. I have spent a life time being driven and focused, and it occurred to me I was a dreamer only, I plodded, I wished, I hoped, I worked hard, and yes I still do work hard, however I have a new tool in my tool box Rob Fellows Reiki Master.
Reluctantly I have accepted free Reiki session from Rob. I am one of life’s givers and I hate taking, more so from a friend! However Rob without intruding in my life knew I needed help and that he could offer it, he chipped away slowly and one day I eventually took up his offer. My life was heading in a new direction, but I was low, a bit frightened to be honest, it seemed scary out there, alone again, financial worries, a new house move on the horizon, work worries. It seemed I was a dartboard, and life was throwing the darts at me!
One day I called Rob, he offered to help me move house, but I declined, I sort of knew I would manage, but hey I was stressed, so much to sort, we have all been there, bills to pay, decorate throughout, settle in again, they say moving house is as stressful as divorce well I was positive, but stressed, Rob had mentioned that if I was reluctant to have his physical help, then he would send some Reiki for me. I accepted the offer and promptly forgot about it. NOW here’s the thing!
The day I moved, I was organised, focused and it just all seemed to click, things I would rant and rave about didn’t even raise my blood pressure, mishaps were taken as a challenge to overcome, the old house was serene, and the new one was suddenly inviting, neighbors helpful and welcoming, my precious dog Sam calm and contented, and all my furniture and personal items just seemed to drop into place, I was sure Mary Poppins was waving her magic somewhere.
On the day Rob contacted me to wish me well, a day later to check I was OK, and of course I replied I was doing just fine and the move had gone so well that I hadn’t needed his help (or did I? )A few days later after the house move it clicked, Rob said he was sending some Reiki; I promptly phoned him and asked inquisitively did he really send me that Reiki stuff? He laughed and said Mark I have been sending you Reiki on a regular basis knowing what you would be going through. I was struck cold, I had to admit freely that I could not believe how well things had gone, no stress, no illnesses before or after, it was like I was in a dream state or on a happy pill. Now I had to ask myself, if I had plainly forgotten it, how did or could I prompt such a state of tranquility and ease? Even with being an organised person house moving on your own is like being in a state of permanent traffic jams, and we all know how they affect us! So thank you Rob.
Now the really interesting bit! Ok so could it be a fluke? NO would be the answer.
Rob recently visited me for a weekend and, I was as usual flat out working shifts doing my new physically demanding job. My lower back was playing up, and to be honest I was getting concerned as to whether I could keep my job if it didn’t heal soon or quickly. Rob asked me if I had a wish list for some Reiki healing. I did say in passing that my lower back was causing me concerns and worries, also I wished to improve my income and oh before I forget maybe a new job or two. Now maybe I was being greedy here but as usual I forgot about this and carried on with my day to day life.
One day I was working 120 miles away and near to Rob, my colleague and I called in for a coffee before traveling back to base. I couldn’t help but raise the subject again, “Rob” I said, “did you do that Reiki for my back?” He smiled and said “from the day you asked Mark, why?” I told him I was pain free within a couple of days, came off the tablets, and although I regularly get back pain again through work it goes as quick as it comes! Rob explained he sent me distant healing every day and was ‘smug’ as he already knew I was ok! I had remembered on and off that I did ask Rob to help, but to hear he was giving me Reiki to this day without hesitation, reassured me I was indeed fortunate, and the energy of healing has to be on-going I suppose like taking a prescription and seeing it through, it requires discipline and skill, and all I had to do was receive and thank the universe for an energy that channelled correctly from the right hands is a wonder of the universe.
Oh and before I forget, I have indeed been fortunate on the job market too, but slow down Rob, I now have three new job offers to consider!

The 'D' Family, Channel Islands ...
" What an amazing gift from the universe this Reiki is! Mega thanks for the healing. My dog is so laid back it's incredible.
A friend came round last night and she said it was the first time Max had actually let her pat him. I hadn't noticed she couldn't before but she said he usually spent the whole time pacing.
My husband is really getting the benefit which has changed the whole atmosphere within the home.
When I really stopped to think about it the whole process of distance healing is quite mind-blowing.
Such a gentle way to help family live their lives with a little bit of help.
Jess is doing really well thanks to you. She is so much calmer and more relaxed about things and starting to enjoy life a lot more. It is wonderful to see."
Go ahead and book your sessions. You have my 100% Guarantee
What emotions will you have knowing Reiki is being directed to you and your loved ones across any distance? I bet you’ll feel pretty awesome.
I want to be very clear: no-one can promise you that Reiki will cure any illness or health condition. But it’s a complementary therapy that many thousands of people know activates natural healing in people or animals and helps to restore physical and emotional well-being.
I simultaneously direct Reiki to more than one recipient at a time and also to protect myself from any person's negative energy all distance Reiki is a one-way flow from me to the recipients. This means that I am unable to provide any feedback.
You will appreciate that I will not make any wild promises that Reiki Distance Healing will cure or solve any emotional or physical problems ... it would be totally unethical and I would be very wary of anyone who said they could.
So, do please DO NOT have expectations that any of my Reiki Distance Healing sessions will bring about any cure, as I am making no actual or implied promise of this.
That said, you have had the opportunity of reading just some of the incredibly positive feedback I have received from genuinely happy clients, many of whom keep coming back to me for more Reiki sessions whenever they have a need.
I am totally committed to try my best to help you, and those you book Reiki for, AND therefore I give you this cast-iron, rock solid guarantee.
I understand that booking any Reiki Distance Healing sessions relies on a level of trust.
Therefore, my guarantee to you is that I categorically promise you will receive ALL of the sessions you have booked ... in fact you might well find you receive extra bonus sessions you haven't paid for, as this is what I'm like!
My goal is to offer you the very best service I can.
So, you can confidently book sessions from whichever Reiki Distance Healing Package you prefer, safe in the knowledge that you have my 100% Guarantee that all of the sessions you book will be delivered.

Now make your choice from either A Week of Reiki or Monthly Recurring
Package One - a Week of Reiki
Package Two - Monthly Recurring *
* Don't worry you are able to cancel future subscriptions before they renew
Although these Reiki Distance healing packages are priced in US dollars you will pay in your own local currency, and so you do not require a US bank account. There may be a very small transaction fee added by your purchase provider if US dollars is not your local currency.

Maybe you have some additional questions about Reiki Distance Healing before you book some sessions?
I've tried to cover off most things on this site (not necessarily on this page though), but here's a few things you might have on your mind right now?
1) Is Reiki a religion?
No, not at all. Reiki will work just as effectively no matter whether you have any faith or not. Reiki is not linked to any religion.
2) What is Reiki Distance Healing?
Reiki is often known as a form of hands-on treatment with the practitioner laying hands over the receiver’s body. However, Reiki knows no barriers or boundaries. Someone who has been attuned to Level 2 can channel or direct Reiki energies to anyone, or anything simultaneously across the world.
Reiki Distance Healing can be just as effective as hands-on treatments, often with instant benefits.
3) Do you send Distance Reiki over the internet?
No, the Internet is used merely as a means for us to make contact. I personally and manually send Reiki to the receiver by mental messages, through thought transference, a bit like telepathy. Unlike with some practitioners you will receive my personal attention.
4) How can you treat me with Reiki when we haven’t met?
I do not need to know you personally or have ever met you in order to send Reiki to you or anyone you book sessions for. I do, however, need to know certain basic information about the person, animal or ‘event’ that I am to direct Reiki to, and that is sufficient. Reiki has a sort of "sixth sense" and knows where it is needed most.
5) Is Reiki Distance Healing expensive?
My sessions are very cost effective. Reiki Distance Healing sessions are held every day throughout the year,so you can start them whenever you wish.
A week of Reiki, providing a session per day for 7 days, for one person (or animal or event) is only $50 USD ... making each session just $7.15.
When you choose to book a week of Reiki for more than one recipient the price per session is even better value.
However, choose a full month of Reiki on a recurring basis and you get on-going daily Reiki at a significant reduction per session
Although the prices are in USD $ you will be able to pay in your own currency, and so Reiki Distance Healing Sessions are available to be booked and Reiki sent anywhere in the world.
6) Can I only book Reiki Distance Healing for myself?
No. Reiki Distance Healing sessions can be booked for any person or pets or for Events.
You may book sessions for yourself or other people, your own pets/animals or pets/animals belonging to others. You can help past or future events relating to you or other people.
7) Are my details kept confidential?
Clients details are totally confidential. I will never sell or pass on your name, e-mail address or medical details to any other organisation. All amounts are made securely too, so your financial details are safe too.
I do encourage feedback and I always enjoy reading of how Reiki has helped. I may use extracts on my website and other materials but this is only with your permission and I never include full names or email addresses.
8) What actually happens during a Reiki Distance Healing session?
Reiki Distance Healing sessions are held everyday throughout the year. Simultaneously I will send Reiki to all those you have booked for, on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. So if the 'problem' is stress related, Reiki Distance Healing will be channelled towards easing the stress. The recipient's body will absorb as much or as little Reiki as is needed at that particular time.
I produce a list of those due to receive Reiki on that day. This list gives me the basic information regarding the recipient. Using the Reiki symbols and mantras transferred to me by my Reiki Teacher I focus on this list and prepare to send Reiki. My Reiki Distance Healing sessions take on the style of a hands-on treatment so that all areas of the receiver’s body receive Reiki energy.
Throughout the session I relax and focus on the Reiki energies transferring from me to the receiver. During each Reiki Distance Healing session my hands get hotter and hotter as there is a build up of energy. My palms pulsate as I feel the energy pumping. It is a great feeling, as I know that the Reiki is being sent.
9) Will I feel anything during a Reiki Distance Healing Session?
There are no set rules – each person reacts differently to the next and each treatment may differ from the previous.
On some occasions you may sense that parts of your body feel warm, even hot, (sometimes very hot!): Reiki is penetrating and helping this part of your body.
Sometimes parts of your body might feel cold instead. If you are suffering from an inflammation this can be Reiki’s way of cooling you down. You may feel some slight tingling.
However, don’t be alarmed if you feel absolutely nothing – this does not mean that Reiki isn’t being received by you or that in some way you have failed. The healing energy is always received.
10) How do I prepare to receive Reiki Distance Healing?
One of the real benefits of receiving Reiki Distance Healing is that you have no need to stop what you are doing; you don’t have to take time away from work, drive to a clinic for a session or wait in a queue. You just carry on as normal in the knowledge that Reiki energies will be sent. Depending on time zones you may well have your Reiki session directed whilst you are asleep.
11) Are there any after affects?
Reiki is a perfectly safe, non-invasive and gentle healing method. There is no evidence to suggest you can either overdose on Reiki or become addicted. However, because Reiki helps to remove toxins from the body you may experience what is sometimes known as the ‘healing crisis’ as your body starts to detoxify This could be a mild cases of sickness, headache, slight nausea or light headiness. You may feel a little dehydrated so drink plenty of water. These feelings will be short-lived so don’t worry if you experience any of them. However, take care if you are driving or using machinery or equipment.
12) Do I need to tell my doctor or vet that I am receiving Reiki?
Reiki complements all types of medical treatments. Although there is no obligation for you to inform your doctor or vet that you are receiving Reiki you should continue with your medical treatment as prescribed, until advised differently by your doctor or vet. It is my strong recommendation that suitably qualified doctors or vets are consulted for a diagnosis.
13) Do you have to be ill to benefit from Reiki?
Not at all. Many people take a proactive approach to their health and enjoy regular daily Reiki Distance Healing sessions to help keep their body, mind and spirit in harmony. This is why I provide my Monthly recurring sessions at such a great value price.
Reiki helps you to revitalize, renew and maintain your energy levels. Use Reiki as a part of your regular healthcare programme.
14) What guarantees are there that Reiki will work?
There are no guarantees that Reiki will work for you, or anyone you choose to receive sessions, which is no different to traditional medical treatment really.
However, Reiki is known to have aided virtually every known illness and injuries including serious problems as well as broken bones, cuts, headaches, colds, insomnia, lack of energy, impotence and a whole host of other ailments. Whatever your illness or problem Reiki is highly likely to aid and complement all other types of treatments that you are receiving.
The beauty of Reiki is that it is gentle, non invasive, non addictive and has no harmful / long term side affects. Above all else it is really effective and you may feel wonderful after a session – There is a real sense of well being for both giver (me) and receiver (you or a loved one).
You do have my 100% cast iron guarantee that I will always send the number of sessions you have booked ... in fact you might even find you get some extra ones too!
15) Can I book sessions for someone without them knowing?
Some say that prior permission should be sought from the recipient but I understand that you may not wish, or be able to do this.
My take is this. Reiki can only be send for the 'highest good' I'm happy to direct Reiki to whomever, or whatever you wish. The Distance Reiki will be channelled to that person on a subconscious level. The recipient, again on a subconscious level, will accept the Reiki or reject it if it is not required. As it is their choice I believe we are being ethical.
I hope this FAQ has been useful ... if you have any additional questions feel free to contact me OR is now the time to book some sessions